The affiliation documents will then be transmitted to the Congregation for Catholic Education in Rome for scrutiny and approbatio.
According to the Apostolic Constitution Sapientia Christiana, art. 62. n. 1-2: “Affiliation of some institution with a Faculty for the purpose of being able to grant the baccalaureate degree is approved by the Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education…. It is highly desirable that theological study centers, whether diocesan or religious, be affiliated to a Faculty of Sacred Theology.”
Before the establishment of LST as an ecclesiastical faculty of theology in 1999, LST used to be an affiliate of Fu-jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan.
The affiliation process includes the following:
- submission of the petitio by SJJS to LST and preparation of affiliation documents
- presentation of the documents to the faculty of LST and assessment by LST
- approval of the “Conventio” and “Normae servandae” by FASRA
- signing of the affiliation documents by the Provincial of Vietnam and the President of LST
- submission of the documents to the Congregation for Catholic Education (CCE), Rome
- approbatio of the affiliation by CCE
- to favor inter-Provincial and universal collaboration and exchange among Jesuit Provinces;
- to provide the students in Vietnam with the possibility of obtaining ecclesiastical degrees in order to pursue further studies;
- to harmonize our own formation program with that of the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific as well as that of the universal Society;
- to better prepare Jesuits who are both deeply rooted in the local cultural context and available for universal missions of the Society.
- to assure the proper maintenance of the quality of theological study at SJJS and the special conditions to be completed for the conferral of the first cycle or the Baccalaureate;
- to designate an LST representative who will supervise, and be present at, the comprehensive examinations of the candidates for the Baccalaureate;
- to visit the affiliated theologate every four years in order to make sure that the studies conducted therein are inspected and further promoted; a written report is submitted to the Council of the Faculty (FASRA) concerning the visitation that had been accomplished. The LST President should then submit a report of this visitation to the Congregation for Catholic Education, attaching needed information and observations;
- to assist in providing teachers of the theological disciplines to SJJS;
- to grant the STB degree to SJJS students who successfully fulfill all the requirements for the said degree as outlined in the SJJS Statutes.
Nguồn: http://www.lst.edu/community/news-a-features/1076-fasra-endorses-the-petition-for-affiliation-of-saint-joseph-jesuit-scholasticate-vietnam-with-lst