A. Course Description
The two courses aim to help students grasp basic understanding of the Sacraments for ministering the people of God. The historical and theological analyses of the Sacraments of Healing, particular the Sacrament of Penance, are further developed and put into practice by another seminar on Ad Audiendas Confessiones. The two courses also provide a suitable preparation for those who are to be ordained to the Holy Orders — diaconate and priestly ministries — with useful theological and pastoral reflection.
B. Bibliography
- Benedict XVI, Sacramentum Caritatis, 22.02. 2007
- Benedict XVI, Omnium In Mentem, 26.10. 2009
- John Paul II, Pastores dabo vobis, 25.03.1992
- John Paul II, Ordinatio sacerdotalis, 22.05.1994
- John Paul II, Ecclesia De Eucharista, 17.04.2003
- Paul VI, Sacrum Diaconatus Ordinem, 18.06.1967
- Paul VI, Ministeria quaedam, 15.08.1972
- André Duval, Des sacrements au concile de Trente, Paris, Cerf, 1985.
- Alexandre Ganoczy, La doctrine catholique des sacrements, Paris, Desclée, 1988
- Joseph Lécuyer, Le sacrement de l’ordination. Recherche historique et théologique, Paris, Beauchesne, 1983
- Karl Rahner, Église et sacrements, Paris, DDB, 1970
- Ambroise De Milan, La Pénitence, Paris, Cerf, 1971
- Bruno Dufour, Le sacrement de penitence et le sacrament de l’onction des maladies. Commentaire des canons 959-1007, Paris, Tardy, 1989
- Louis-Marie Chauvet et P. De Clerck, Le sacrement du pardon entre hier et demain, Paris, Desclée, 1993.
C. Course Evaluation
Not yet been specified