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TD 104.6

A. Description

This course generally introduces historical and developmental process of Mariology, i.e, how Mariology has started and developed in the Church. Specially, this study presents the figure and the role of Mary as shown in the Biblical Revelation and in the theology of the New Testament. The Dogmatic theological dimension of Mariology is also emphasized in Patristics and theological thought.

Theological and magisterial Tradition on the mystery of Mary through the modern papal definitions of Marian dogma will be surveyed, so as to come to some understanding of how and why this woman “about whom the Gospels say so little” has become the figure of such popular and theological significance. We are also invited to pay special attention to the synthesis of Marian doctrine found in Lumen Gentium, and to the teachings of Pope Paul VI, as in Marialis Cultus, Pop John Paul II as in Redemptoris Mater, Rosalium Virginis, Mulieris Dignitatem, etc.

B. Course Objective

The course’s objective is to help the students:

– To obtain the acquisition of an “ability to complete and exact knowledge of the Church’s doctrine regarding Virgin Mary”, in order to identify authentic doctrine and true devotion, and to contemplate the supreme beauty of the glorious Mother of Christ.

– To trace the development of an “authentic love” of Blessed Mother, expressed in “genuine forms of devotion” and leading to the imitation of the virtues of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

– To track the development of “capacity to communicate such love to the Christian people through speech, writing and example and so on.

C. Recommended Literature

  • VATICAN II, Dogmatic Constitution on the Church LUMEN GENTIUM, November 1964
  • PAOLO VI, Esortation Apostolic MARIALIS CULTUS, 1974
  • JOAN PAOLO II, Mariological encyclical REDEMPTORIS MATER March 25, 1987.
  • JOAN PAOLO II– Apostolic Letter ROSARIUM VIRGINIS,  October 16, 2002.
  • JOAN PAOLO II, Apostolic Letter MULIERIS DIGNITATEM, 15 August 1988
  • Lm Augustino Nguyễn Văn Trinh, Thánh Mẫu Học, 2003.
  • LM PHAN TẤN THÀNH, OP., Magnificat, Học Viện Đa Minh, 2010.
  • MAX THURIAN, Maria Mẹ Đức Chúa, Trung Tâm học vấn Đaminh, 2010.
  • settimio m.manelle, f.i., The Virgin Mary in the New Testament, November 1, 2008.
  • MARIOLOGY: A guide for Priests, Deacons, Seminarians, and Consecrated Persons, 2007

D. Grading Plan

Class discussion: 20%

Reflection paper: 40%

Final oral exam: 40%