Ngũ Thư (Pentateuch)


TBO 102

A. Course Description

The Pentateuch, the first five books (Genesis to Deuteronomy), is an essential part of the Holy Scriptures, recognized as such by Jews and Christians. The Pentateuch has a wide range of contents. It starts with the so-called Primeval History (Gen 1-11), followed by the story of Abraham’s family (Gen 12-50). It continues with the story of God’s delivery of the Israelites, now as a people, from their slavery in Egypt into the Promised Land, as a free people, in which God manifests Himself as their own God, who establishes a covenant with them, giving them the laws, and demanding them to be faithful to Him (Exodus to Deuteronomy).

B. Recommended Literature

  • BOORER SUZANNE, The Promise of the Land as Oath: A Key to the Formation of the Pentateuch (Walter de Gruyter, 1992)
  • BROWN RAYMOND E. – FITZMEYER JOSEPH A. (eds.), The New Jerome Biblical Commentary (Prentice-Hall, 1993)
  • CLINES DAVID J.A., The Themes of the Pentateuch (JSOTSup 10; Sheffield, 2004)
  • EMERTON JOHN A., Studies in the Pentateuch (Vetus Testamentum Supplements 41; Brill, 1990)
  • GESUNDHEIT SHIMON, Three Times a Year: Studies on Festival Legislation in the Pentateuch (Forschungen zum Alten Testament 82; Mohr Siebeck 2012)
  • GOUDER MICHAEL D., The Psalms of Asaph and the Pentateuch: Studies in the Psalter III (JSOTSup 233; Sheffield, 1996)
  • NICHOLAS ANDREW D., The Trickster Revisited: Deception as a Motif in the Pentateuch (SBL 117; Peter Lang, 2009)
  • SAILHAMER JOHN, The Pentateuch as Narrative: A Biblical Theological Commentary (Zondervan, 1992)
  • SETERS JOHN VAN, The Pentateuch: A Social Science Commentary (Sheffield, 1999)
  • SKA JEAN-LOUIS, Introduction to the Reading of Pentateuch (Einsenbrauns, 2006)
  • WATTS JAMES W., Reading Law: The Rhetorical Shaping of the Pentateuch (Biblical Seminar 59; Sheffield, 1999)
  • WHYBRAY NORMAN R., Introduction to the Pentateuch (Eerdmans, 1995)
  • Other Biblical Commentaries available in the Library

C. Course Evaluation

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